Student Expectations
This information can also be found in the Hidden River Family Handbook.
Locker Expectations
In an effort to create more structure throughout Hidden River, and to increase safety and security, all Hidden River students are expected to place all personal belongings in their lockers and only carry the necessities for class. These items are allowable in student lockers: backpacks, purses, hand bags, drawstring bags, jackets, winter wear (gloves, hats, scarves, etc) textbooks, school supplies and personal needs. Students are expected to learn their locker combination and not share their locker combination with others.
Backpack Expectations
Backpacks can be used to carry belongings to and from school. During the school day backpacks, bags, draw string bags, belt packs (fanny packs) and/or purses should be stored in student lockers and are not be allowed in classrooms, gym, hallways or cafeteria during the school day.
Student Dress Code
Student clothing should not present a danger to student’s health or safety, interfere with learning or create classroom distractions. Students should wear school appropriate, properly fitting clothing to school.
The following items may not be worn to school:
Clothing with profanity and/or inappropriate slogans/images
Revealing clothing - All undergarments and private areas should be covered, completely.
Hats and hoods are allowed. Ski masks are not permitted to be worn on students' faces' during the school day.
Coats/jackets, gloves, and blankets (should be stored in lockers during the school day)
Students who fail to comply with the school’s dress code policy will be given an opportunity to correct the matter. Refusals and repeat occurrences may result in parent/guardian contact and/or other consequences.
Personal Electronics Expectations
The Hidden River Middle School commitment about the use of personal electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cellular phones, smart watches, tablets, headphones & earbuds, and personal gaming systems, is as follows:
ALL personal electronic devices that are brought to school are to be TURNED OFF & STORED in students’ backpacks from the time students arrive on campus until they are off campus after 3 PM!
Students who violate this commitment must turn over their electronics/equipment to staff immediately.
The following consequences are in place for students who are in violation of this commitment.
1st offense – Returned to student at 3 p.m. the same day.
2nd offense –Parent/guardian must come to pick up the item.
3rd offense – Parent/Guardian/Admin/Student have a meeting and item will be returned.
Note: A Parent or Guardian may come to the school at any time to reclaim the confiscated item and take it home with them.
As an International Baccalaureate middle school, we foster the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders. Much of this learning and collaboration requires real, human interaction.
Electronics can become disruptive to learning, and a health concern. Cell phone notifications can interrupt students’ thinking, communication, and collaboration and therefore interrupt learning. Cell phone notifications can become addictive and detract from the big thinking work of middle school that we want students to be fully present for as they develop their thinking, communication, social, and self management skills.
Electronics can go missing. Hidden River Middle School students are learning to be reflective, open-minded, caring communicators, and knowledgeable. Unfortunately, as reflective as our students are, phones can be stolen for a variety of reasons. While we teach and model responsible personal electronic use and try to help students problem solve, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics. Students who choose to bring cell phones and/or other electronics to school do so at their own risk. Hidden River and the St. Paul School District will not be liable for any damage, loss, or theft of electronic devices (SPPS Policy 520.00: Information Technology Usage & Safety Policy).
Students have access to personal school electronics. Every student at Hidden River Middle School is given an iPad for academic use. Middle School students are learning to become independent learners; should you need to contact your student during the school day, please call the main office, 651-293-8860 and we will get a message to your student as soon as possible. If a student needs to contact a family member, they can ask the teacher to help make a plan to contact.
Tardy Expectations
It is important that students arrive on time to each of their classes daily. When students are on time to class they are demonstrating that they are ready to learn in community. Teachers will work with students around arrival time class norms. When students have excessive tardies the counselors and grade level intervention specialists will work together to devise a plan to help the student get to class on time (e.g., check in check out, monitor slip, etc.).