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English Learner Program (EL)

EL 's (English Learners) are students who speak or hear a language other than English at home.

Teachers and staff in the MLL (Multilingual Learner) Department work together to help EL students improve their academic English. Our goal is to help students improve their academic English skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addition, MLL teachers are advocates for EL students and their families.

MLL teachers and counselors work together to make sure students are in the appropriate classes that will help them improve the academic English skills that are needed to stay on track for graduation. Bilingual staff who serve as educational assistants are sometimes available as tutors and interpreters for students and their families.


 MLL staff collaborate and co-teach in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade English Language Arts classes as well as Science 6 and Science 7 classes.


At Hidden River Middle School, EL programming offers students an opportunity to learn at three language proficiency levels. Level 2: Advanced Beginners, Level 3: Intermediate, Level 4: Advanced.