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The SPPS middle school athletics program is designed to provide interscholastic athletic opportunities for middle school student-athletes.  There are three (3) seasons with the following sports being offered:

  • Fall: Girls' Volleyball, Co-Ed Flag Football, and Boys/Girls/Co-Ed Soccer
  • Winter: Girls Basketball (Winter I), Wrestling and Boys Basketball (Winter II)
  • Spring: Baseball, Softball, Co-Ed Track and Field, Girls Badminton

Participation Fee

The current fee is $10 and $5 for students with qualifying household income (formerly known as free/reduced).  Students will need a current sports physical prior to participation. Please make an appointment with your physician or visit one of our SPPS Health Start Clinics.

Schedule and Contests

Practices are scheduled for Monday - Thursday.

Contests are scheduled during the week AND a minimum of two Saturdays during the eight (8) week season.  Parents will need to provide transportation to the competition site(s) on weekend game dates.

Multiple contests may be scheduled at one site to allow for maximum opportunities for participation by the student-athletes.

Athletic Director

Lenell Binford

On-Line Registration Form - Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the icon to click on for registration.

Sports Physical 


Game Schedules