Fontana, Elisabeth
Phone: 612-548-4517
Qualifications: Master of Education - University of Minnesota Bachelor of Arts - University of Minnesota
Ms. Fontana
My name is Elisabeth Fontana, and I started working at Hidden River is 2011. I love teaching at Hidden River (where I attended junior high myself!) because I am committed to guiding our diverse, passionate students through the transition from elementary school to high school. I get to learn new things from my students every day, and I love that they are not afraid to share their personalities with the class.
I will be using Schoology as my primary gradebook, so please log into Schoology to check your student's progress in my class and missing assignments. Please read the district's Parent Guide to Schoology for more information.
Specific information for my courses is available in my syllabus.
Assessments will be assessed using MYP rubrics. Students receive am achievement level, 0–8 that best matches the description for their work. The description for the levels of achievement are: limited (1 or 2), adequate (3 or 4), substantial (5 or 6), and excellent (7 or 8). For more information, please see the IB-MYP Grading/Assessment page on our website.
I'm looking forward to working with you to have a successful year at Hidden River! Please contact me with any questions: